We never imagined that we would one day be invited to Pusat Pemulihan Penagihan Narkotik (PUSPEN) to conduct not one, not two, but three soap workshops across two PUSPEN centers.
Our first session was conducted back in 2023, and earlier this year, we were invited back to conduct two more sessions with another batch of clients.
The journey to PUSPEN has always been quiet and long. Departing from Setia Alam, we drove all the way to Sg. Besi and Sepang, both taking more than half an hour to arrive.
The first thing we always do upon arrival is unload our tools and equipment, but the muscular clients always lend us a hand and offer to carry them instead.
Once everyone had settled down, we made sure they were in their respective groups before beginning with a short theory run-through.
Ensuring our participants understand the proper methods to handle lye is our top priority, so we usually spend more time explaining the chemistry to them. Most of the time, they tend to be extra cautious when it is their turn.
We brought plenty of detachable sleeves so the clients mixing the lye solution would have their arms fully covered and face masks to protect them from the resulting fumes.
There was banter and laughter as they worked with their teammates to create the end product. It was all good vibes.
The instructions were simple to follow, so most of them followed through with little to no issues. There was always a hint of satisfaction and pride on their faces whenever I caught them looking at their product and marking their groups on the molds.
Interestingly enough, many of them approached us during and after the workshop to ask a plethora of questions, most of them related to soap making.
Though exhausted at the end of the day, we always return with our hearts full and our car a little lighter. If you prefer to watch the video instead, check out this Tiktok video here.